

An intimate mastery mentorship for intuitive women in business, who want to live their fully-expressed, joy-filled life

A 6-month mentoring container, with deep, personalized support

Enrollment closes August 15, 2023

Apply now

“A Woman in harmony with her spirit

is like a river flowing.

She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination

prepared to be herself

and only herself”

— Maya Angelou

Are you living the life you really want?

I ask because I know you’ve been through your awakening. You’ve been through the hard times that have brought you here to this moment, where you know you are a powerful creator who has reached her edge and is ready to bust through

You’ve evolved beyond what you’ve been in the past. And the next is calling to you. 

Now, you want the life that comes when you step into today as the person who knows herself as a powerful creator. Confident, at home with herself, comfortable with her power, enjoying life in joy and ease.

Let me address this directly:

A big piece of what you want is growth or success in your business, or the way you share your gift with the world.

As much as we want that growth to come from knowing ‘what’ and ‘how’ and doing ‘the things’, it starts first with your alignment to your Self.

And when you have the alignment, and know yourself as the powerful, divine being that you are, then the growth and success will follow. But not before. 

Now that we’ve gotten that clear, I also know that you will not compromise your inner alignment (or alignment with your soul). 

It’s a non-negotiable. 

It’s this guidance that’s calling you to step into your power, and you. are. ready.

Maybe you’ve been feeling the whispers of what’s next. Maybe you feel the full-on pull. Maybe there’s something inside of you that wants you to have better, to have more.

No matter where you’re at, you want to feel like ‘Yes, I can manifest that! Yes, I can create that! Yes, I can bring that to fruition!’

In true human form, your mind wants to know ‘how?’ Wants to find clarity. And the longer things don’t move, the more the mind doubts, questions, and judges.

But your mind is not the powerful creator. 

It’s your soul’s call that is whispering. It’s your soul that’s urging you forward.

That’s where Emergence comes in.

Emergence is creating from the parts of you that called the universe in to play. Emergence is learning to BE the you who has become. Emergence is creating WITH the universe. 

Emergence is when you stop creating solely from your human and begin to create with your divine spark.

Emergence is…

  1. an intimate 6-month, group mentoring space for intuitive women in business

  2. who want to create or grow the business they are called to

  3. while learning to live as their soul-expressed self.

You will be supported through the practical, real, day-to-day ups and downs of living as a spiritual being in this physical world.

In short, Emergence is the mentoring and support to practice being your divine self and creating from your divine spark.

Intentions and Thematic Growth Areas

Over 6 months you will grow, practice, expand, and become more comfortable with:

  • Trust - in yourself, in your senses, in your soul and in others

  • Being you, without judgment

  • Loving you and honoring you, so you don’t put yourself last anymore

  • Boundaries - energetic, emotional, and relational

  • Life-Source-Spirit is generous, even when it seems like life is showing you otherwise

  • Your power - as a function of your belief in yourself and your connection to source

  • Wanting - without diminishment, shame or guilt

  • Traveling up the scale to love and joy, even when overwhelmed or anxious

  • Seeing possibilities - leaving binary thinking behind

  • Showing up and using your voice, because we do want to hear from you

  • Retraining and soothing your nervous system - and the ways this interacts with your intuitive senses

  • Making aligned choices - by retraining your thinking habits and mental processes, and using Human Design

  • When it’s the energy weather, not you - and disconnecting from others' energy, individual, collective and past life

Elements specific to business

These are elements that we will explore and develop directly and tangentially over our time together. How each element is developed will depend on where you are on your business journey.

Learning what you want

In business, we are taught to create based on what other people need or what the mind assesses as logical, practical or efficient. Powerful creation comes from alignment with yourself. The essential element in discovering what you want is your connection to your inner self.

Structuring or restructuring to your desires

The ‘how-to’ in business is the easiest part of growing a business, it’s learnable and instructable. Based on your individual needs, I’ll offer support with ideas, possibilities, systems, processes, and alternatives, along with a breadth of experience in many industries and aspects of business. 

Knowing yourself and your gifts

What are your gifts? Is what you do aligned with your gifts, or does it diminish them? How does your energy work? How do the experiences you’ve collected on your life path enhance your journey and gifts?

Clarifying what you fix, heal, create, or do for others

Business norms and our experience in the work world teach us to contort ourselves to be acceptable, hire-able, successful. You will unravel yourself from all of that and explore who you truly want to be and who you truly want to work with, without conditions.

Emergence summary

  • Program runs for 6 months, from August 15, 2023 through February 2024

  • An intimate collective of 8-15 women

  • Group mentoring - weekly for the first 6 weeks, then every other week

  • Six 1:1 sessions (45 minutes each)

  • Meeting time to be determined based on participants’ location (likely between 11 am and 6 pm Central)

  • Experiential and centered around you - show up where you are and be supported

  • Gatherings are held live via Zoom, with live attendance preferred 

Program Structure and Process

No curriculum

There isn’t a structured curriculum. There are no recorded video modules, checklists or predetermined plans. We start where you are and move at the speed you are ready to move through. The program will be led by intuition and by what is being called for by the cohort.

Group mentoring calls

We begin with weekly sessions for the first six weeks and then move to every other week. We meet via Zoom and while meetings will be recorded, it is important to attend live to receive the greatest value from Emergence.

Monthly 1:1 mentoring

Everyone receives one private mentoring call each month. You will direct the time for what you most need. Tactical, practical business support. Unraveling doubt or shame. Finding clarity on your path. Life (and business) doesn’t stick to compartmental topics, so we won’t either.

Personalized support via Voxer

You will have as-needed access to me throughout the program on Voxer. I’ll use Voxer to check in with you individually and share group broadcasts.

Custom community connection and engagement with a private Substack

You will be surrounded by powerful intuitive women who will have been called into this experience at this time just as you have been. Substack will give us a peaceful and intentional way to stay connected. Ask questions, get support, genuinely share and build friendships.


$4,000 USD


10 payments of $400

To join the program, you begin with an application and schedule a discovery call.

If you would like to discuss alternative payment plans, please let me know on the application.

Apply for Emergence now

“Everything is within your power, and your power is within you.” ― Janice Trachtman

Ready to join Emergence?

Apply for Emergence now